Employee Spotlight: Ryan Huddleston
Friday, January 3rd, 2020
Q: What is your role at Testerman Restoration?
A: Estimator’s Assistant
Q: Before working at TR what was the most fun, unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
A: The most fun job I had was at a bakery. The most meaningful was at a camp for disabled children. It was very cool, and very rewarding.
Q: How did you first learn about Testerman Restoration?
A: When I answered an online ad for employment.
Q: How has TR helped you in your career development?
A: I feel like I have learned some new skills that can carry me through my career life. I’ve been in a great position to learn a lot by assisting and shadowing our Estimator.
Q: If you could switch your job with anyone else within the company whose job would you want?
A: Amanda. She gets to create her day and see the flow of the jobs..and she always has candy!
Q: What is your favorite part about working for TR?
A: I have a great supporting role and am able to help a lot of people, which makes me happy. I have gotten really good about getting information and passing it along to the folks that need it the most.
Q: What is your proudest moment at TR?
A: When I started working very efficiently on my own.
Just for Fun:
Q: Where is your hometown?
A: Knoxville, Tn
Q: What is something not many folks know about you?
A: I can touch my tongue to my nose!
Q: Do you have a favorite outdoor (or indoor) activity?
A: I love to read, go hiking and bake.
Q: What has been your best vacation?
A: New York City
Q: Do you have a favorite quote or line from a movie?
A: A quote by Bob Goff: “Grace Never Seems Fair Until You Need a Little”
Q: Do you have a work nickname?
A: Squirrel
Q: You are happiest when?
A: When I am with my family.
Q: If you were a hot dog, and you were starving, would you eat yourself?
A: No, I’d go find an apple.
Keep looking forward to more employee Q&A sessions! If we can be of assistance please let us know! 865-691-1169.
Happy 2020!